Friday, July 29, 2016

cut the crap

I dont have any particular reason to blog, other than I'm skirting other responsibilities and am kind of angry at the world.  There are at least a few people on this planet who don't enjoy my company, and that's fine, because I don't enjoy the company of more than about three specific people either. Thankfully I don't really care, but I get a bit angry when it starts to affect my success in areas other than social functionality.

See, I am not the type of person who will tell you your dress/shirt/shoes/ideas are pretty just because you are fishing for a compliment on it. I will be polite enough to just say that it's not for me most of the time, because you obviously like it and even though I'd like to see you sent to mars, I'm not into crushing people's souls. But seriously, if you want to know how your outfit looks, invest in a mirror, because my opinion doesn't matter anyway. And if you're naming your kid something like Graeme or Apple, no I don't like the name you picked out. Your name is stupid and you're stupid and your kid is probably going to be stupid. But I'm not going to tell you that.

I have no understanding of these bullsh*t, asinine societal rules. I don't get why people will buy something because they feel bad. Like, we're "required" to buy an overpriced [insert good here] because Sue's mom made it, or Johnny is selling it for a school fundraiser, or it's from Brenda's shop and she is pressuring you into buying it. I don't care that I wasn't invited to your wedding/baby shower/whatever, but if I'm not important enough to be there, I'm sure as hell not going to buy you anything. If Johnny's fundraiser is something you connect with and you'd love to help send him to camp this summer, then by all means, please make your contribution. If the scarf Sue's mom made is helping fund an Autism fund and, by golly, you could use a scarf, then go for it!! But if it's not something you want to contribute to, or you really hate Johnny because he's a little twerp, then find another act of philanthropy that makes YOU happy.

The point is, I'm disgusted by how much people will shun others for not kissing their ass. Certainly, I can't be that bad a person because I'd rather give a few cans to the local food bank than that starving kid I've never met on tv? I am in disbelief of how shallow this world is, and to what lengths people will go to in order to bring someone down if they don't agree with their every move. Can we please just all either be polite to one another, or leave each other alone?? Those are what I see as our only options. Just allow me to sit in my corner and do what I do. If I'm not bothering you, then is there REALLY a need to sabotage me? Does it make you feel better? I certainly hope so. I'm done.